A space for my soul to run wild & free…


Find Better


Saving Emotions for Later

The trouble with saving emotions for later is it can cause resentment, anger and disappointment. You bite your tongue, holding back words, for the sake of keeping the peace. But at what cost? It buys you a momentary pause but the long term effects are bitterness and exhaustion.

Emotions are meant to be felt, not held on to. The weight of unfelt emotions is a curse on your body and mind.

Identify them, feel them, express them and release.


I don't like butterflies


My Alone


Temporary Pleasures

Temporary pleasures...

My tulips will eventually wilt and no longer fill my room with fragrance. But for now I'll enjoy them and all their beauty.



Be unafraid to go within
Be unafraid to know yourself inside out
No other individual can understand your story quite like you
Where you go to feel safe
Why you chose to speak up instead of staying quiet
How you love so deeply
What motivates you to move forward
Which values you hold closest to your heart
Or why you carry yourself the way you do

You have to look in the mirror

As you process you’ll begin to discover
As you learn you’ll start to grow
As you heal you’ll transform


An excerpt

And there are multiple “thems”. You don’t know how to remedy it. So you pray it away, you bury it, you push it out your mind but there it stays. The pain shows up in your most vulnerable moments. The moments where you wish for nothing more than to know peace. Nothing more than to forget every detail, good and bad. That's better than continuously being tripped up with reminders.
It hurts even more when you think they’re the closest thing to sunshine you had left. Even if that’s not true.Even if that’s settling.That’s how starved for affection you are. How desperate to be loved you are. That’s you avoiding your true hurt. But you haven’t gotten there yet. You’re still grieving a lost that was always meant to happen. They weren’t meant to be forever. Just souls passing through on a journey.

A Recipe for Lemonade

We don’t get to choose the hand we’re dealt
But, what we do with it
We’re tossed lemons and told to make lemonade
Something sweet out of the bitterness
Something fluid out of the hardness
Roll and twist with the punches
Hope it’s soft enough to squeeze through the frustration
And what remains is a bitter lesson
Dripping from the citrus peel
Add 8 ounces of boiling resiliency
2 ounces of pure faith
And 3 tablespoons of self compassion for sweetness
Repeat as often as needed